Contemporary Art Style Musings with about a year's span of time between the beginning and the end.

I walk in this world with a lot going on.  Too much really.  Walking into walls a lot.

 Today I met my radiologist and two weeks ago I met my oncologist.  The guy who prescribed my anti-hormone treatment.  I like meeting people.  I like being out there with strangers.  Its like being fresh and new.

 But even so its too much and so I careen into things.  Like walls.  Occasionally a real one, but usually they are other kinds of walls.

This blog business is good because it forces me to stop and gather.  My thoughts.  I'll just keep going too and never stop and no one knows just how crazy it is.  Because its not that crazy but then it is..and so I have this  wild-eyed life.  Wild eyed.

I ought to write a poem or paint something that doesn't quite make sense to our real eyes and ears.

Or else say something that makes sense to the man on the street.  And so I'm here stewing a bit about this..

that was a long time ago that I met my oncologist, he is going to yell at me next time he sees me because still..too much is going on and I missed my last appointment and I need some more anti-hormone pills..those ones that make me feel a little bit down.

I think I did it. I did both and in the end..this musing made a little bit of sense.


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