No one is listening and I'm not saying much/Vulnerability.

To say something one needs an audience and to have an audience one needs to say something.    It seems a bit like the tree falling in the we hear it? or the chicken and the egg everything goes together. To do something well one must have confidence, to have confidence, one must do something we edge along, scooching ourselves forward to that place where everything is happening together.  Because that's the only way it works. In the process of getting to that place where everything is happening properly we have to let people see.

Exposure is the place where growth, development, healing, acceptance, confidence, safety, truth, love...happens.


  1. OK, I am listening. So the chicken can lay the egg, the tree can fall and you can keep blogging!

    1. thanks Carl, I am going to try this blogging thing again. Hope you are doing well. It been a long time now.

  2. Believe me, Judy, someone out there is listening! Keep saying something, and you will soon have an audience. The skill is in saying something worth hearing- and being secure in the fact that even if nobody responds, you have been heard, at the very least by an Audience of one, who delights in your musings as a parent delights in the colorful, yet sometimes indecipherable, scribblings of their young son or daughter.

    Keep on keeping on!

  3. Judy, how I miss you! I know that God knows all my thoughts and feelings, even when I can't put them in words. But next to Him a sister understands. I wish you were sitting by me this bright spring Sunday. The daffodils are bloomings, birds are chirping and I would love to sit and sip coffee with you and just talk about everything and anything. Even if my words aren't eloquent or important, you would know and understand the deep feelings and longings I don't put words to, and I would hear your heart too. I love you little sis.


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