Animals that cross my mind.

We used to have some dogs/puppies here in Bangkok but condo life didn't work out for them and so now we are just us, no pets. There are some animals though, just below me in the little farm tucked in next door to our condo complex.  The animals that are the most obvious, kind of look like a  cross between an "american cow" and a camel..with their long floppy ears and  some kind of floppy hump on their back..toward the front.  There are three of them, one brown and two white.  Then there is the straggly horse with the swishing tail, means there must be some flies down there..and the ubiquitous chickens of course.  I notice that chickens have a bit of a triangular thing going, at least when they are far away.  If I were to draw them I think I would make triangles.

I've seen a dog or two in this same little farm,  and a while back there were goats around that would do that funny jump hop that they do.  I don't see them today.  The farm is next to a small neighborhood mosque and so I wonder if the goats might have been sacrificed.  The goats were bright white and some were black.  They were all sizes which means maybe they were a family.

When I was in boarding school, I think I was 11..the houseparents made an attempt to have an animal project..we were all going to get an animal to raise...4H style in northern Argentina.  The project fell through and we never did it, but I  remember that I requested a goat.  Since then, I've always kind of had a hankering for a goat but I know they eat everything and that would be a problem.  We did have horses, unruly and untamed, and they would concede to our demands if we spent enough time bothering them.. I think they knew we were kids and so they humored us.  And then there was the mean bull dog who attacked and killed one of the kittens.  Horrid dog, I hated that dog, and never much liked bull dogs since then.

And so the sun comes up over the bright white plastered condo building next to me and there it is, the early morning moving into daytime.   I know its 7:15 when I can see sun from my balcony.
The day is here and the quiet is mixed in with the chickens and birds, the cooing pigeons, and the close by motorcycle engines that sound like they are far away.
