abhanga poem- blue eyed son


The abhanga is a Marathi poetry form, Marathi being one of the major languages of India. The form is simply described: four lines, with syllable counts of 6, 6, 6, 4, and lines 2 and 3 rhyming.  Playing around with some poetry forms after hanging out with Sam.

Favorite blue eyed boy
my unexpected child
my sweet baby mild
kind heart and soul

The one who held my chin
His chair close to my space
So he could touch my face,
when we would sit.

If we were together
Him sitting by my seat
with something shared to eat
 I would be glad

Not like that time long gone.
When I would miss his thoughts
My heart too full, distraught
And he not seen.

Blue ideas, silver trimmed
A heart that fills the sky
I look inside your eye
And listen hard.

And so you’re here right now
Your hand that held my chin
 remembered so again
Blue-eyed one.
