Love believes all things.

I have become terribly suspicious. I've been cheated and lied to and used over and over, many times by so many.  Sometimes I've gone into the cheat with eyes open and sometimes I've been so blinded.  At times, its been an intentional cheat by people who intended evil but mostly just folks who are working to get what they need, or what they think they need.

But evil has its fruit whether intentional or not.

Being cheated like this has left me with a little person inside.  She keeps watch and shares her fears in my ear. She shares her judgments, her wonderings, her negativity regarding all my people around me.  I stand there and receive it. I receive all the fears and I stand there like I'm naked when I don't need to be. I need to put my clothes on and manage these things without this person telling me I am not safe. She keeps me safe from trusting someone who might hurt me. But also leaves me to function in a way that is just as bad, just as hard.  Mistrust hurts more.

Love believes all things.  Love is not mistrust, I see that, but then what do I trust? What are all those things that love believes?

 Love recognizes what is in front of us.  Love believes the other person is real. That this person is doing their best.  This person has something for us to hold. Love believes in their presence here on earth and that they matter, that they belong. Believes all things.  Truth is there inside.  Possibly covered with lies and cheating and running and humor and smiles.  But love, love sees. Believes deeper down and underneath all those cheating lying distractions.
