On Writing one's thoughts.

I write these thoughts. My thoughts that start in the morning and go into my nights. Sometimes I'll take my thoughts and put them into something for other people because maybe someone wants to listen. But mostly, these written thoughts just end up with words on pages and my heart a little bit more organized after the pencil dust settles. I wonder, could these written words turn into something bigger than just a stack of smudged journals on my nightstand? I’m not ambitious, but maybe I want them to be something just a little bit bigger than me. I want to believe that some of this hard stuff of my one particular life, could be useful to you.

 I am just one person in the whole mess of it all. One little person a bit of dust.  The big parts are the oceans or the mountain ranges or newborn babies, the incredible beautiful stuff of God. This beautiful God who sees me and who is thoughtful of me and cares. 

And that’s enough for each of us. We just need to see. We need to look at what is around us and be thoughtful and careful of both others and ourselves. And that takes me right back to this business of writing. It takes me back to all these thoughts and all this thinking. And then I’m thinking too much and go back to breathing and exercise and eating right, or to watering plants and folding laundry in these early morning hours. This takes me back to this cool morning breeze on my cheeks and to some words from yesterday about Jesus. Words that mention to me that he sustains the Universe by the mighty power of His command. 
 He sustains the Universe, 
His mighty power. 
And then after that there are more words that say, 
He cleans us up, he washes our faces and takes away the stain. That bit we still have left on our face, the place we missed in our own attempts to wash up. He takes it. 
And then he sits down, honored, at the right hand of the Majestic God.  
I've arrived all the way back to this again. And once again I'm here sitting down, with yet another sunrise.

This is all I need, my writing, my organized heart and the sunrise. My words are worthy and they are more than just me, those smudged journals, they are bigger than me because they bring me back to this, back to my shy soul and my forever God.

Hebrews 1:1-3
